Interdisciplinary Journal on Human Development, Culture and Education
Revista Interdisciplinar de Desenvolvimento Humano, Cultura e Educação

ISSN: 1533-6476

Tikunakids / Crianças Tikuna
Aldeia Filadelfia
BenjaminConstant, Amazonas, Brasil
photo (c)  Marcelo Lima

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Number 4, May, 2003
Número 4, maio, 2003

International approaches on Cultural-Historical Psychology: 

The present issue is edited by Carl Ratner and Marcelo Guimarães Lima: as we enter a new century, already marked by conflicts that challenge the present uneven distribution of resources and opportunities among the peoples of the Earth, including scientific and intellectual resources, we asked cultural-psychologists of different parts of the globe about their specific ideas on and particular uses of the resources of Cultural-Historical Psychology and Activity Theory. The papers here published offer a rich and complex  image of the legacy of vygotskian inspired theory at the beginning of the new century and will also contribute to anticipate some of the new paths of a science of human development and human behavior that in its formative core unites the best of a critical-humanist and critical-hermeneutical tradition with the new paradigms of the "hard" sciences of the human mind and of human evolution.
Researchers from the US, South Africa, Spain and Russia offer here their views and "applications" of cultural-psychology to issues of education, culture, human development, towards a better understanding of the human subject and of a science of the human subject that may have its contribution, directly or indirectly, for the solution of the "enigmas" of the history we both suffer and construct today globally.

The Editors

Michael Cole
The developmental consequences of Formal Education

Pablo del Rio and Amelia Alvarez
Los futuros humanos desde el passado: Genética Cultural y Diseño Cultural

Carol Macdonald
Cultural Psychology in South Africa

Eugene Matusov, Heather M. Pleasants and  Mark Smith 
Dialogic framework for Cultural Psychology: Culture-in-action and culturally sensitive guidance

Carl Ratner
A Macroscopic Cultural Psychology

copyright (c) 2003  Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas Armando de Oliveira Souza CEPAOS 
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